How You Might Be Leaking Your Precious Life Force Energy
Energy leaks, as defined by Jim Dethmer at The Conscious Leadership Group, are open loops, incompletions, and sloppy agreements.
Jim goes further to explain, “They drain our energy because our minds expend energy keeping track of them, and because they live in us as things we should have done or be doing.
To be clear, energy leaks are unconscious. They’re repressed and not on the forefront of our minds. Until we shine a light on them, they run in the background of our minds like open apps on our phones. They drain our life force and slow us down. To get back into integrity we need to notice and repair any energy leaks.”
This area is HUGE to clean up because these leaks/open loops are what will drain your energy as you make efforts to maximize your performance and levels of fulfillment.
Most people have so many open loops that they literally have no mental space left to create anything new in their life.
I recommend spending some honest time with the questions below, created by The Conscious Leadership Group, which will help reveal what energy leaks you might be experiencing that need to be sealed.
Once you’ve gone through the questions, get clear on what actions you need to take to start cleaning them up over the next few weeks.
Is there anything I said I would do that I have not done?
Are there any agreements in my life currently where I don’t have a whole body yes to? In other words, are there things I committed to doing that I no longer want to do but have not communicated about it?
Is there any place in my life where I am not taking 100% responsibility for what is occurring?
Is there anything in my life that I am complaining about or blaming myself or others for?
When we don't keep our word and follow through on our agreements, and don't take 100% responsibility across all areas of life, we feel out of control, we experience energy leaks, open loops, and feel drained, with not much life force left to feel inspired or passionate about life.
Consistently cleaning up my energy leaks has contributed to a MASSIVE increase in energy, so I highly encourage you to do this work and reclaim your creative energy.
With love and inspiration,