Awaken the unlimited potential, power, and pure love that exists within you.
I'm Jonathan Perez.
My personal journey has involved spending over 7+ years to find the answers of how to transform ourselves and perform at the highest levels.
Throughout my journey, I have discovered unimaginable levels of joy and a profound love for life.
I am passionate about sharing what I've learned, simplifying the process of change and transformation, and inspiring people to engage in life fully by overcoming their fears.
I am passionate about helping people create an extraordinary vision for their life and learn the practical steps they need to take to manifest it without drowning in spiritual mumbo jumbo or feeling like they have to go spend 10 years on a rock meditating.
I am passionate about building embodied leaders who walk their talk. Leaders who don’t just talk about greatness, they demonstrate and embody it.
I promise it’s possible for you to live the life you most dream of. I’m here to help you transform and create it.
With immense love and gratitude,
Choose your path…
1:1 Private Coaching
If you're ready to go all in on your personal transformation and looking for more refined and customized support, let's talk. I'd be honored to walk the path alongside you as you step into a new future.
Live Workshops
A deep dive into foundational knowledge, skills, and tools combining cutting-edge science and ancient wisdom to master your mind, overcome your fears, and transform your life.
The Embodied Leader Mastermind
This group experience is for leaders who are stepping deeper into their purpose, are ready to master their fear, and have a desire to go all in on living the life they know is possible.
My Story
Growing up, I slowly embarked on the conventional path to life that we’re programmed to believe is ‘the way’ to success and happiness…
It goes something like:
Sound familiar?
There’s nothing wrong with any of these things.
However, most people don’t do these things because they WANT to... They do them because they are programmed to believe they SHOULD.
Where’s the freedom in that?!
When I woke up to this reality… I felt a deep void in my life because I realized I was doing what I thought I SHOULD be doing, not what I truly WANTED to do.
A.K.A. The Dark Night of the Soul...
I felt defeated, feeling that everything I had done up to that moment was pointless.
That realization sparked my journey of making my own way. To step into my power and overcome the limiting beliefs convincing me it was too hard to have infinite abundance and joy in my life.
The limiting programming that was convincing me that success, happiness, and financial freedom only came after long years of hard work. The thoughts that massive levels of success were reserved for other people, not me.
Slowly, I began to face these beliefs and understood how I had been programmed to believe all of this through generational heritage, the media, movies, TV, and society in general.
I knew there was a deep greatness in me but...
to unleash it, I would be an outcast, and that felt scary because I was dependent on the approval and validation of others.
I then took action and dove deep into transformational work with many teachers, mentors, and coaches over the last 7+ years and started to truly understand what was in my way.
I dug into books, courses, workshops, retreats, podcasts, you name it! I was IN IT. And I still continue that work every day because now I consider it my job to learn, embody, share, and train others in the work of personal change and transformation.
Eventually, there came a moment where it all culminated, and I started taking massive leaps into the future I visioned for my life as I overcame much of the fear and self-doubt I once faced.
The biggest moment of all,
was realizing I had to begin to leave behind the things that I knew didn't align with where I wanted to go, but were part of the reality that belonged to the old self I was leaving behind.
As I evolved, I consciously transitioned out of each area that was no longer aligned for me, with intention and deep gratitude, knowing they were the exact thing I needed for me to grow.
I'm very grateful for having had the awareness, support, and tools to consciously complete these chapters of my life with intention, gratitude, and clarity.
During these life transitions, I faced my deepest fears as I stepped into the unknown and began to live life on my terms based on what I truly wanted at this stage of my life.
Was it easy? F*CK NO! Worth it? Absolutely. Why?
Because I felt I was being true to myself and not living under the rules of society and how we ‘should’ think, act, feel, and live.
Today, I have a deep understanding, from a place of wisdom, of what it means to take a leap into the life we truly want. For me, it was to build a business and personal brand as a coach and trainer.
Over the years that I've spent cultivating my business and personal brand, I've learned what it takes to overcome the limiting beliefs stopping us from taking action every day and staying inspired in the midst of challenging moments.
Now, I feel deeply connected to something greater and feel a sense of inner freedom that no one can take away, regardless of outside circumstances.
Do I default sometimes and go into old ways? Yeah!
I'm human... but it generally lasts a shorter amount of time because I've learned the tools to master my mind and emotions more every day.
From that place of inner peace, I now consciously choose how to live my life and how I want to serve and contribute to humanity.
I want the same for you and my mission is to support you in serving and contributing at the highest level as a leader in your life.
To do that, I help you embody what you’ve intellectually understood about personal change and equip you with knowledge, tools, and strategies to perform at the highest level.
It’s our divine right and purpose to develop ourselves fully mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
You are worthy of it and it's a disservice to yourself to not take action and live as the greatest expression of you.